Thursday 28 November 2013

Glorious sunset

Tonight I was driving home from a Christmas party (yes, already!!!) and had to stop and take photos.  The sunset was magnificent.

When I arrived home I ran out the back and took this shot looking down towards the river.

The colours were extraordinary and it felt warm - even though it definately wasn't!

We have already had one snow fall, and a few frosts (some light, some hard), with the frost last night turning the fish ponds on my journey into patinoires.  Lucky I have pretty much finished up in the garden for the year.  Will put some extra straw around my rhubarb and strawberry plants tomorrow, then I am done till late january when it is time to prune the apple trees.

A few of the locals have said it is going to be a hard winter this year..... let's see what eventuates.  In any case, I am ready with full store cupboards and freezers.  Chimneys cleaned and emergency candles in place.  Plenty of "projects" to keep me busy, and lots of lovely friends in walking distance to share a cup of tea and a walk in the brisk sunshine.

Life is good here.

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